Horses ground me.
They are of the earth and simple in their being - they are prey animals that respond to what they see, what they hear, and what they feel.
Horses don’t plan, they don’t worry, and they don’t regret.
That I can tap into their energy and living in the here and now way of life in so many different ways……it drives me. It calms me. It fulfills me.
Horses partner with humans not of their own accord, but humans benefit, they always have, and should be forever grateful.
Horses give me space to question my own bodily existence in their presence.

Finding the Rhythm
As the blades of grass grow higher
His long legs cut deeper swaths through the field.
He doesn't waver as he cuts some of them shorter.
Grabbing each bite.
A rhythmic chomp, rip, chew, chomp, rip, chew.
His tail swishes to its own beat to keep the bugs off
Skin shivers dislodge the smallest ones.
He is in constant motion.
He and I are alike in that way.